Marsha Blackburn ‘Astounded’ by Adam Schiff’s Closing Arguments


U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA-28) “astounded” her when he said GOP senators would have their heads on pikes if they voted to remove Donald Trump from office.

Schiff, quoting CBS News, said Republican officials were reported to have made this threat, although he said he did not know if the story was accurate.

The California representative made those remarks during this week’s impeachment proceedings against Trump on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Blackburn said on FOX News that none of what Schiff said was correct.

“Republican leadership has encouraged us to do exactly what we’ve been doing, which is to look back at the records from the House and to do our due diligence so that the decisions we make will be wise decisions, to make certain we are true to the Constitution, that we are going to render a fair trial to all involved and that is exactly what we have been doing.”

“The reaction on the floor was exactly as was reported. There were several of us that said ‘That’s just not true.’ And he should have retracted that at that point in time. It’s the same thing that has caused people to gasp when we were called liars. We were accused of participating in a coverup, which was a crime. When we heard the president called a dictator. When we heard him called a monarch. When we heard him called a king. And, of course, we bear in mind that they’ve told us what their entire purpose is. It’s to re-litigate the 2016 election. To keep him off the ballot in 2020, to make certain that the American people don’t have the opportunity to vote for him again. I thought Adam Schiff’s remarks were astounding on the second day in his opening comments.”

Blackburn seemed to say Schiff looks down on voters with contempt.

“Basically, when he was saying ‘You know we can’t trust he won’t cheat again. We can’t trust that the ballot box will be protected and the election fair,’” Blackburn said.

“Basically he was saying ‘We don’t trust you, American people, you messed up in 2016 and voted for the wrong guy. We’re not going to give you the opportunity in 2020. We’re going to change the process and control who you can vote for, who has the ballot box, who has the election.’”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Fox News.




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One Thought to “Marsha Blackburn ‘Astounded’ by Adam Schiff’s Closing Arguments”

  1. William R. Delzell

    I have my own reasons for opposing the current impeachment proceedings against Trump. At the risk of my being falsely accused of supporting Trump’s re-election, I want to be clear on something. This impeachment proceeding is most likely doomed to fail because it uses the WRONG reasons to attack Trump on. Pelosi, Schumer, and Company have severely narrowed the parameters of the impeachment to the insignificant Ukraine instead of broadening the inquiry to includes far more serious offenses by NOT ONLY the Trump Administration but by previous Presidents going all the way back to Truman. What I mean is the systematic violations by most of these presidents along with Trump in plunging our country into undeclared wars, by supporting brutal dictators like Rhee, Pinochet, and other foreign politicians like Israel’s Natanyahu (sp.?) (Nathan the Yayhoo). the former apartheid government of South Africa; the murder by our government of U.S. citizens with drone aircraft without any due process; the detaining and torturing of suspected (not convicted) terrorists without any charges at concentration camps like Guantanimo, the confirmation of torturers to head the C.I.A., and many other serious charges. That is what we should have charged Trump with, but doing so would also require us to extend similar charges to his predecessors including the supposedly liberal Obama. This Pelosi and Schumer want no part of.

    The only one of the three impeachments I can support was the one against Andrew Johnson who did everything he could to sabotage Reconstruction and to incite mob violence against former slaves. That is a far more serious charge than merely siding with the Russians against the Ukraine!

    That’s why this impeachment proceeding bores me to death just like the wasted time that our mainstream media gave to the O.J. Simpson trail while ignoring far more important news events such as violations of human rights by Chile’s Pinochet that even included the commission of murders on U.S. soil by Pinochet’s secret police, or the revelations that the U.S. government during the forties and early 1950’s knowingly exposed U.S. pregnant women to radiation during their pregnancies. I was born during this time period. But, oh no, the media thought that O.J.’s trial was far more important. This is just like putting up with NFL football games that run overtime pre-empting my favorite TV programs.
